I got my own little award, too from fellow blogger Sunita. It is a heart-warming, smile-inducing award – the Friendship award.

And I would like to pass it on to all my fellow bloggers and readers, who come to my page, and who with their visits and comments have made blogging such a pleasure for me.
Thank you everyone. This award is for you, you and you. . . .
(Have I been watching too many Oscar shows?)
heyyyy..congrats..keep a party ready with vadai and payasam in chennai..v all bloggers r taking the next bus...i was trying to write a comment on the wife-bshing post of yrs. dunno why it dint register..a close friend of mine, from middle eastern country, was repeatedly bashed up by hubby..it is a universally dirty idiotic habit..
Hi Raji :)
What a surprise award! I will faint,for sure.
Many,many thanks :)
Hi Raji,
Congratssss!!! Keep up the good spirit! Happy blogging! :-)
Yes, you have!
And most (perhaps I mean all) of the NDTV awards were humbug ...
and I assure you - yours is ....classes apart!
HI Raji,
congratulations on winning this award from a friend for being a friend. You are a very good friend, we know. Ready to appreciate and comment and encourage all us bloggers. May you win many more.
Actually its now I understand the logic behind awards :)
Don't ask me what :))
anyway, Congrats Raji.
rock on :) kudos on getting this award.
also guess the blogging tool broadened the friends circle, that you have had. don't you feel so?
read an interesting article, blogging is just for anyone and everyone, age is not a factor for that at all, what say...check this article.
Ramesh, why not? We will definitely share that vadai payasam - what are friends for?
Joseph, Please don't faint. You are welcome to the feast, too.
Resmi, Indrani , Kalyani,it is for all of you as well.
Swarna - I like your answer.Pert.
Devika, some things defy logic - :D.
Remain connected - you made the right point. Blogging does open up a new world of friends
Actually it's your warm replies in the comments section that beats the Oscars..!!!
Congratulations and we'll continue to endeavour in earnest, so that many more awards are received :)))
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